November 26th, 2021

Hello Users. Not exactly a week from last time I posted on here... but whatever, not a huge deal since nobody's been looking at this. I've been okay recently. Anxiety's still goofin and gaffin as usual, but thankfully the semester is coming to a close so as long as I can do well in the next 2 weeks I will be fine and I can relax for a while. I'm optimistic about next semester, as I'll be taking 1 less full class! Hopefully this lets me have more breathing room so I can take better care of myself and focus on a smaller range of things. In terms of graphic design (my major), projects have been going relatively smoothly! The work is stressful but that's part of learning how to execute projects and do things professional designers do!! Here's an example of the stuff I've been doing:

Outside of all the stressful stuff, a lot of cool stuff has happened recently. Halo Infinite's multiplayer came out, and despite the MTX being terribly implemented, 343 actually nailed the gameplay. I'm excited for what's gonna come to the game in the future and I am nowhere near bored of it yet. Music wise, I have been listening to this album I found a few weeks ago (embed below). Yes, it's vaporwave. It's always vaporwave :'(.

Overall... feeling alright. Motivation is running dry but I need to finish this semester strong!!